- Razón social: G4AL ENTERTAINMENT, S.L.
- Actividad: Desarrollo de infraestructura para blockchain gaming
- Dirección: Morales 31, Entresuelo
- Población: Barcelona
- Código postal: 08029
- Provincia: Barcelona
- Persona de Contacto: Ignacio Gaig
- Email: Info@g4al.com
- Web: www.g4al.com
- Descripción empresa: G4AL intends to create, publish and facilitate blockchain games, with features such as NFTs or tokens, that are also as fun, entertaining and visually stunning as conventional AAA-games. Along these lines, G4AL wants to bring blockchain gaming to the masses. The vision that drives the project is the development and publishing of top quality blockchain video games and metaverses and the creation of a blockchain game engine.
- Plataformas: PC (IOS, Android), PS5, Xbox